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The lyrics to Stephen Foster’s Camptown Races might sound confusing to us today, but that has not prevented the song from remaining very popular for more than 160 years. The words have been edited and rewritten many times in that span. One edited version of the opening stanzas from Foster’s work is shown below.
A short version of Camptown Races lyrics:
Camptown ladies sing this song, Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Camptown racetrack’s five miles long, Oh, doo-dah day!
Goin’ to run all night!
Goin’ to run all day!
I'll bet my money on the bob-tailed nag,
Somebody bet on the grey.
I came down there with my hat caved in, Doo-dah! doo-dah!
I go back home with a pocket full of tin, Oh, doo-dah day!
Goin’ to run all night!
Goin’ to run all day!
I'll bet my money on the bob-tailed nag,
Somebody bet on the grey.