Home - Sheet Music Index - Song Lyrics - The Farmer in the Dell sheet music
The Farmer in the Dell is a popular nursery rhyme and folk song that dates back 200 years. The simple, repetitive lyrics tell the story of a farmer who takes a wife, who takes the child, who takes the nurse, etc. There are several variations on the words, and the most common lyrics sung in the United States are shown below. Read more about the history of the song, and see a free printable PDF of the sheet music to The Farmer in the Dell. Visit Fluffy and Ivy at www.TwoHappyBears.com.
The Farmer in the Dell lyrics:
The farmer in the dell,
The farmer in the dell,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The farmer in the dell.
The farmer takes the wife,
The farmer takes the wife,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The farmer takes the wife.
The wife takes the child,
The wife takes the child,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The wife takes the child.
The child takes the nurse,
The child takes the nurse,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The child takes the nurse.
The nurse takes the bull,
The nurse takes the bull,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The nurse takes the bull.
The bull takes the cow,
The bull takes the cow,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The bull takes the cow.
The cow takes the dog,
The cow takes the dog,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The cow takes the dog.
The dog takes the cat,
The dog takes the cat,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The dog takes the cat.
The cat takes the rat,
The cat takes the rat,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The cat takes the rat.
The rat takes the cheese,
The rat takes the cheese,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The rat takes the cheese.
The cheese stands alone,
The cheese stands alone,
Hi-ho, the derry-o!
The cheese stands alone.