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The Time Expressions book is an introduction to basic dynamic and articulation markings, with 36 pages of exercises, melodies, and duets that provide practice material for students of all levels. The book includes eight lessons that cover the dynamic markings of piano, forte, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, pianissimo, fortissimo, crescendo, and decrescendo. The articulation section of the book includes slurs, staccatos, and accents, and there is a final lesson that combines all of the articulations and dynamics in the book.
The melodic and rhythmic material of the book is very simple and basic, so students can focus their attention on playing the dynamics and articulations accurately. The book is currently available for wind and brass instruments in PDF format and will soon be available in print.
The melodies and duets in the books for winds and brass are all written in the same key so that any group and any number of concert band instruments can play the melodies and duets together. There is also an auxiliary instrument version of the book in concert key, which can be used for pitched or unpitched percussion instruments, or any instrumentalist who wants to play along with band instruments. If you would like to get a better idea of the format of the book, you can view a free PDF of Lesson 1 of Time Expressions.
Select a link below to purchase the book for your instrument from Payhip (PDF) or Lulu (print version). The pitch ranges for each instrument for the melodies and duets in Time Expressions are also shown below.
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Flute (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Flute (print)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Oboe (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Oboe (print)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Clarinet (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Clarinet (print)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Bassoon (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Bassoon (print)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Alto Saxophone (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Alto Saxophone (print)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Tenor Saxophone (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Tenor Saxophone (print)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Trumpet (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Trumpet (print)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Trombone (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Trombone (print)
Note that the melodies and duets in the French horn version of Time Expressions are not in unison with the other winds and brass, to allow beginner French horn students to play the pieces more easily. However, they are still harmonized to work with other concert band instruments.
Time Expressions, Book 1 for French Horn (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for French Horn (print)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Tuba (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Tuba (print)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Auxiliary Concert Key Instruments (PDF)
Time Expressions, Book 1 for Auxiliary Concert Key Instruments (print)