Home - Time Focus - Time Lines Contents - Unit 3 Intro
Improve your rhythm and sight reading skills. Select a link below to hear and play along with the half note and half rest patterns in a 3/4 and 4/4 time signature from Unit 3 of Time Lines. These patterns also include quarter notes and quarter rests. Each pattern is four measures long and features different combinations of the Unit 3 exercises. Each webpage includes an audio example of the pattern as well as an image of the Time Lines Color Blocks to indicate where the notes and rests are. To view and practice all of the patterns, buy Time Lines Book 1 for your instrument.
Remember to clap and count each pattern before playing it. That will help your sense of rhythm and tempo, and it will ensure that you play the notes and rests correctly. Check your rhythm recognition with the Time Lines Rhythm Dictation quizzes after you have practiced these patterns. They are a great way to improve your ears.
P301 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 3/4
P302 - Rhythm pattern with half notes and quarter notes in 3/4
P303 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 3/4
P304 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 3/4
P305 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 3/4
P306 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 3/4
P307 - Rhythm pattern with half notes and quarter notes in 4/4
P308 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 4/4
P309 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 4/4
P310 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 4/4
P311 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 4/4
P312 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 4/4
P313 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 4/4
P314 - Rhythm pattern with half notes, quarter notes, and rests in 4/4
More Tools and Info:
Time Lines introduction
Time Lines Table of Contents
An introduction to rhythm and melody
Practice suggestions
Get the Time Lines book